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Podcast: Internal Work - Healing

T2E8 – Masks Game

Espiritualidad y Ciencia
Espiritualidad y Ciencia
T2E8 - Masks Game

Today I share with you a continuation of the episodes “Angels and Demons” and “The Experience of Reality”. In this episode, we will discover what masks are (spiritually speaking!), how they affect us and how we can work with them. I hope this information will be helpful for your growth!

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S2E7: Initiation

Espiritualidad y Ciencia
Espiritualidad y Ciencia
S2E7: Initiation

In this blog post, we explore the profound and often misunderstood world of initiation rituals, particularly those found in Masonic ceremonies. We unravel the purpose behind the seemingly macabre symbols like skulls, graveyards, and sulfur, and their role in representing the acceptance of the Universe’s totality, including aspects we often deem negative or taboo.

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S2E4: Acceptology and Self-Observation

Espiritualidad y Ciencia
Espiritualidad y Ciencia
S2E4: Acceptology and Self-Observation

Hoy cerramos la serie sobre la liberación del Sufrimiento, ahondando más en lo que significa dejar los apegos y el rechazo y comprendiendo cómo funciona la meditación.

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S2E3 – The Key to Putting an End to Suffering

Espiritualidad y Ciencia
Espiritualidad y Ciencia
S2E3 - The Key to Putting an End to Suffering

This is the second installment about suffering, and in it I will tell you the great secret that Gautama the Buddha discovered as the way to end suffering.

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